Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trunk or Treat

I love Trunk or Treat. It's like speed dating. You can get a full haul of candy in like 5 minutes.

Recycling old costumes can still be cute.

Or, you can buy new ones from the store.

Halle's costume smelled like fish. Which is weird because the last costume we got from Disney smelled like fish. I think it's the plastic they use, but it didn't smell like fishy plastic, it smelled like fish. We febreezed it good and hard.

How bles-sed the day when the cow and the ti-i-ger shall li-ie down to-ge-e-ther with o-out an-ny ire...

Halle looks insane. Insane Snow White Posse.

This is Gwen's $30 onesie that, because she is so fat so soon, she will probably wear only once.

Halle's new boots.


Anonymous said...

I loved recycled, especially when it's brand spankin new recycled!!! Thanks Apryl, Gage looks adorable as Roo! And all of your kids look awesome! I love trunk or treat's, too.

RecipeNut said...

Love the costumes.....wish we did trunk or treat! I was exhausted just from going around 2 blocks. I can't believe how fast your kids are growing. I just found out Josh Burningham works with my husband, small world!

Danny and Darcie said...

Apryl, I can't believe how big your kids are getting. And congrats on the new little one. Tell Shelbs I said hi!!