Friday, October 10, 2008

Dateline: My Creaky Chair

I have my old law school chair in my home office/bedside computer area. It's old. It creaks like Dick Clark's knees. It even broke the other day when I leaned back in it and I thought I would plummet to my death 2 and a half feet down. The creaking is only a problem because Gwen has been going to sleep lately by laying on our bed next to me whilst I work-from-home (all hail technology!). But it may be time to purchase a new one. The cool thing is, it may be an allowable business deduction. How much of a nerd am I that I honestly get excited at the thought of a deduction?

Gwen is chubby. Apryl says all the kids were this chubby at this time of life, but she seems chubbier than normal. See? I mean, she's cute, don't get me wrong, but, well, you know. She's got an awesome shade of blue eyes, I hope they stay the same.

I love that the kids are close enough to play together.


Liza said...

What a fabulous face she is making! That's a great picture. Madilyn is a 'reluctant movie star'; she refuses to be cute if she can see the camera....little turkey. As for your chair, it's not sad, just a little quirk of you! It's hard to get me out of an office supply store without buying something...and my office shows it.

Liza said...

oops, I meant to say that doesn't make you a nerd, just a little quirky.....I don't know why I said it's not 'sad'....end of a long day I guess.